Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday Morning Brain Dump

Sentimental Journey

We are all on a journey between first breath and last breath. Where we breathe now is the only living we have.

The world I see through my eyes reflects me. Reaching wisdom is seeing Self as all.

When you realize that you no more need a guru, or teach or therapist, you will be your own guru, or teach or therapist.

Mental Disorders

There are those who believe that the medical profession create mental disorders. That, by giving the patient a list of symptoms allows the patient to re-write his symptomatic history, to search for an interpretation, of events, emotions, feelings and physical discomforts to give the doctor what he needs to make the required diagnosis. The patient at some level of consciousness conforms to the subjective diagnosis. Sometimes a pill is so much easier to take than a good dose of reality. A pill does not require the patient to admit responsibility for his thoughts and attitude and behavior.

The unasked question is "How do you know when to be depressed or anxious or whatever?" The patient must know when to be happy. Emotional states are relative. Emotional states are in the mind. You need to compare it to something you already know. It is all illusion. All within our minds. And if we do not control our minds, who does?

By defining a mental disorder as a medical illness, did the medical profession create more of the same?

Positive Thinking and the other

I do not see that that Positive Thinking - Negative Thinking is a useful way of life. What I prefer is to set a goal that I want to reach and to relate my thinking to that goal. My actions and thoughts are either useful or not useful in reaching that goal.

Everyone needs a mission in life. Even if it is only as simple as understanding Self. A mission is not the same as a goal. Setting a goal is budgeting time.  A mission is a named purpose that guides your every task, thought and action.

Positive and negative are only distractions along your journey, distractions from your guided mission.

Connecting the dots

You connect the dots in you mind as you falter through your journey. You mark the time. And in this illusion you may reach the pinnacles of fame and wealth. You may be prince or pauper, a writer or a reader.

But what are we in relation to the cosmos but mere specks of dust. And when time has long overtaken us, in the billion years ahead, what will we be but an accident of nature.

We must empty our selves of any feelings of superiority, of any self adulation, to learn that we are alone. To learn that Self is all there is. We must create in our souls a wonder for life. We are alone in our illusions. We cannot insist that our illusions are the only right illusions, or that they are better than someone else's. They are just illusions. If we must each live in a dream of our own making that we share,  not impose.

And as I have heard so many critically ill persons say, people with kidney failure and on dialysis, people with terminal and inoperable diseases, people in wheel chairs, people recovering from horrendous accidents, all have said  "I am happy just to be alive."

When will I know

The therapy patient will know that he no longer needs the therapist anymore when he realizes that he is his own therapist and always has been. The same can be said of the teacher or yogi or guru.

It is, after all, your illusion. It is your mind. The mind only you can control. And, in that illusion is your search for meaning.

The meaning is that I breathe.

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