Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Conversations with Who?

In the vein of Neale Donald Walsh's book, Conversations with God I present here a Conversation with Me? Let me warn that this is an irreverent take on an already irreverent topic. You may choose to believe that I am having a conversation with Me! or with my imagination. Either way, please do not take any of this seriously. I'm not  trying to start any more new cults.


Little me:  You may not believe this but  I hear a voice in my head. I think it is God speaking to me. No, wait a''s....Me!

Me: You're  really not that funny. After all you are an accountant.

Little me:  What you're answering me! Who are you? What to you want?

Me: I am here to guide you on your journey.

Little me:  Journey?  I didn't buy any tickets!

Me: Your Life Journey you silly moron!

Little me: Ok! If You are so smart. You tell me when you created the world.

Me: I create it every second. Every moment of your waking life is your first. I create the world and you and everyone else with all their memories intact, with every book, every piece of knowledge every mountain, every river, every blade of grass, every living being each moment you see and hear and feel and taste and smell. And you can spend a million years trying to prove otherwise. You will never disprove this fact.

Little me:  How can you say this? You're only the voice I hear when I write. In fact I was just listening to you a moment ago when I asked the question, "Do I have writers block?"

Me: And what did I tell you? I said I am thinking of writing a course called Conversations with Me. That's because I wake up every morning (I often do that) hearing a voice in my head with a lot of questions.

Little Me: Hey! Were going to confuse the reader aren't we? Shouldn't I be saying that?

Me: Like I was saying, I was wondering how I could write about the Law of Attraction with a new twist.

Little Me: I already did that. Just have a look at what I posted at

 And, I was too lazy to write something else so I posted at

Me: Stop interrupting!  You're supposed to just listen. Now where was I? Then I just start to write whatever comes to mind. It flows easily. Are you getting this?

Little me: I can keep up with you any time.

Me: That's what gets put down as quickly as possible with only slight editing. Oh, you can tell, can you? Well, that's me always slightly unedited.

Little me: This question and answer reminds me of an interview. I'm interviewing the great Me! This could turn out to be a great revelation.

Me: Oh stop that! You aren't listening to me. Take a lot of writing, a lot of streaming thoughts, many questions and you  could have an inspired work.

Little me: Why have you been so quiet all these many years? Why is this happening to me only now?

Me: Keep asking those questions and I'll answer them in time. I'll talk, you write. But for now this enough.

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